![Reflecting on the first year – Year One Evaluation Report](/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/reflecting-on-oe-first-year-295x247.png)
Jim, the Principal Investigator for the Open Exhibits project, asked me to share a copy of our evaluation report for the project's first year. The past year's data collection efforts provided the evaluation team with a wealth of survey and interview data to use in our preliminary analysis of emerging participation patterns and helped to identify potential improvements to the site/project. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback by completing the in-take and mid-year surveys, and special thanks to our interviewees!
There will be more opportunities to provide feedback in the coming year and we are looking forward to opportunties to speak to, and gather data from, an even wider range of Open Exhibits participants. I also want to encourage people to continue using this site to post resources/info, questions, and examples of the things you create. While we were conducting our most recent round of interviews, we heard about some exciting projects and I suspect those were only the tip of the iceberg! The evaluation team isn't the only group interested in learning more about what's going on – your peers are also very interested and eager to learn more. This site is not only a great place to show off examples of what you've done, but also a great place to seek out help and suggestions from a global community of your colleagues.
The year one evaluation report is available for download here.
We welcome comments and also feedback about the report, especially if you have had experiences that didn't fit with the patterns and trends that emerged during our research.
Best wishes,
On behalf of the Open Exhibits evaluation team at Rockman Et Al
Jennifer Borland on Thursday, January 12th, 2012